Welcome to the website of
Alexander Technique Teacher and Bassoonist
Michael Parkinson
and the
Alexander Technique Centre Vienna
"Change involves carrying out an activity against the habit of life."
- Frederick Mathias Alexander (1867-1955)
Changing from our habitual to a more conscious way of pursuing our daily activities demands the ability to clearly understand not only what we are doing, but HOW we are doing it. However, as Alexander also pointed out:
"The hardest things to get rid of are the things that don't exist."

Michael Parkinson, Director
Alexander Technique Centre Vienna
In other words: replacing habitual patterns of movement with something more appropriate isn't quite so easy if one is not aware of what those habits are. With the guidance of an Alexander Teacher one learns to recognize those habitual movement patterns of "use" in everyday activities, and how to modify them to promote lighter, more economical movement and more efficient breathing.
Alexander's teaching technique has been valued by those involved in the performing arts since he came to London from his Australian homeland in 1904. In many respects everyone is a performer in their own right, whether it be walking the tightrope in a circus, making a business presentation...or doing something more mundane like pushing a vacuum cleaner around the apartment! Irrespective of the nature of the activity, how well the body functions is very much dependant on how well it is used.
Photograph of Michael Parkinson by Theodora Kapellou
The Alexander Technique Centre Vienna
Director: Michael Parkinson
Franzensgasse 5/47
1050 Vienna
Email: michaelcparkinson@gmail.com
0043 (0)676 941 4212